In Jab Seher Humara Sota Hai directed by Shrikant Gadge and written by Piyush Mishra, two groups ( फनियर aur खंजर ) quarrel over a piece of land and the dispute is elongated over frequent tensions and incidents. Jab Seher Humara Sota Hai is also about love, passion, and longing over the city and the music in the second half creates such an impact that, you can transform your evening into a time of remembrance and lore and theatre.

Small incidents and conversations lead to teasing between the two groups in which common people, or people caught between quarrels erupts in violence. The first half is marred with scenes of mindless-brutal-violence, in which the writer and director are trying to portray how triviality and lack of patience lead to mindless, heartless, heart-wrenching agony. We will never be able to reason who started it or Who was responsible. Or who lost what member of the family?
Whose bravado was more? Who was more loathful? All these questions will wrench and eat the mind for years to come.
But as we say the flowers find a way to grow amidst, the dirt and blossom! A love story brews on stage. The soulful music by Dev Chakraborty puts a charm on your senses or soothes you to any rawness you experience. The humanness, the human ability to find meaning in useless situations comes pouring in love and drenches like a Tagorean verse.
The script writer again paints reality again and again and again, perhaps we have become less tolerant! Perhaps we have become less sensitive!
Madamast Babu dances carelessly dances on stage in a neat costume of lights. I found this costume innovative and was wondering where could one get hold of it. Also, Madmast Babu keeps you glued to the stage with his antics!
जब शहर हमारा सोता है is an experience in powerful writing and powerful direction by Shrikant Gadge. A huge team, director Shrikant Gadge executes a strong production effortlessly, kudos and light design by Amitava Sarkar makes you wanting for more! Dev Chakraborty scores the music precisely and soulfully.

Lines from the play that haunt you!
जब शहर हमारा सोता है तो मालूम तुमको हां क्या क्या होता है
इधर जागती हैं लाशें जिंदा हो मुर्दा उधर जिंदगी खोता है...
इधर चीखती इक हव्वा ख़ैराती उस अस्प.....
उजला ही उजला शहर होगा
जिसमें हम-तुम बनाएंगे घर
दोनों रहेंगे कबूतर से
जिसमें होगा ना बाजों का डर....
मखमल की नाजुक दीवारें भी होंगी
कोनों में बैठी बहार.
कोनों में बैठी बहारें भी होंगी
खिड़की की चौखट भी रेशम की होगी
चंदन से लिपटी हां सेहन भी होगी...
चांदी के तारों से रातें बुनेंगे तो
चमकीली होगी सहर
उजला ही उजला शहर होगा

न्नाटा वीराना ख़ामोशी अंजानी
जिंदगी लेती है करवटे तूफानी
घिरते है साये घनेरे से
रूखे बालो को बिखेरे से
बढ़ते है अँधेरे पिशाचों से
काँपे है जी उनके नाचो से
कही पे वो जूतों की खट खट है
कही पे अलावो की चट पट है
कही पे है झींगुर की आवाज़ें
कही पे वो नलके की टप टप है
कही पे वो काली सी खिड़की है
कही वो अँधेरी सी चिमनी है
कही हिलते पेड़ों का जत्था है
कही कुछ मुंडेरों पे रखा है

सुनसान गली के नुक्कड़ पे जो कोई कुत्ता
चीख चीख कर रोता है
जब लैंप पोस्ट की गंदली पिली घुप रोशनी
में कुछ कुछ सा होता है
जब कोई साया खुद को थोड़ा बचा बचा कर
गुम सायो में खोता है
जब पूल के खम्बो को गाडी का गरम उजाला
धीमे धीमे धोता है
तब शहर हमारा सोता है
तब शहर हमारा सोता है
तब शहर हमारा सोता है

Cast - Team Namaste Theatre Design and direction : Shrikant Gadge Light Design : Amitava sarkar Music : Dev Chakraborty preview section is your best, most complete guide for all the theatre/films , big and small, coming your way soon. Happy Reading! Follow our channel here.
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