India's Leading theatre production company, Felicity Theatre, proudly presents "Humare Ram," a theatrical extravaganza of epic proportions. Directed by filmmaker Gaurav Bharrdwaj, this magnum opus showcases unprecedented scenes from the Ramayana, never before depicted on stage. Leading Bollywood luminary Ashutosh Rana portrays the iconic role of Ravan, acclaimed actor Rahull R Bhuchar as Lord Ram, Danish Akhtar as Lord Hanuman, Tarun Khanna as Lord SHIVA, Harleen Kaur Rekhi as Mata Seeta, and Karan Sharma as Surya Deva. This ensemble also features accomplished artists from the world of theatre. Humare Ram will premiere on January 25th at Kamani Auditorium, New Delhi, and will run for seven shows, concluding on January 28th, 2024.
Elevating the auditory experience, playback maestros Kailash Kher, Shankar Mahadevan, and Sonu Nigam contribute their voices to original compositions crafted exclusively for "Humare Ram." This grand theatrical experience promises extraordinary performances, powerful dialogues, soul-stirring music, vibrant choreography, exquisite costumes, and state-of-the-art lights and special effects.
With the consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir being held in Ayodhya in January this year, the Ramayana has re-emerged as one of the most iconic mythological narratives of Indian culture. The premiere of the Magnum Opus play Humare Ram on 25th January in New Delhi is a symbolic continuation of the ongoing celebrations. preview section is your best, most complete guide for all the theatre/films , big and small, coming your way soon. Happy Reading! Follow our channel here.
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