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BOOK RELEASE :The Life of Z by award-winning author Debashish Sengupta!

Writer's picture: Deepak SinhaDeepak Sinha

SAGE India is proud to announce the publication of The Life of Z: Understanding the Digital Pre-teen and Adolescent Generation by award-winning author Debashish Sengupta.

The Life of Z packs extensive real-life narratives and thought-provoking analysis to help us understand this generation born 2000 and after to engage with them for a better future for them and for all of us. It works as a ready reckoner for parents, teachers, corporates adolescent counsellors and anybody and everybody who wants to understand the challenges and opportunities of Gen Z in today’s digital age.

Announcing the release date (15 January 2020), author Debashish Sengupta said, “Zeners or Generation Z, currently the pre-teens and adolescents are the largest generational cohort in the world. Together with millennials, they make nearly two-thirds of the world’s population. And like millennials, Zeners and their life issues are grossly misunderstood by the older generation. A generation of world-changers like Greta Thunderberg or Wolf Cukier a 17-year old who discovered a planet on his third day of internship at NASA, they live in a world and times that make them equally vulnerable”. He further added, “The catch-phrase ‘Ok Boomer’ is a voice of their growing frustration and anxieties”.

About the Book

A Swedish teenager, Greta Thunderberg, has become the poster girl for the Climate Change and Sustainability movement across the world. All of 16 years, she has been nominated for the Nobel prize and has been on the cover of Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Greta personifies and symbolizes zeners, who are nothing like any previous generation the world has ever seen. These pre-teens & teens are unique, world changers and perhaps the only hope for this planet. Yet, if not nurtured, they are at the risk of being lost due to the ignorance of institutions and individuals.

The Life of Z packs extensive real-life narratives and thought-provoking analysis to help us understand this generation born 2000 and after to engage with them for a better future for them and for all of us.

About the Author

Debashish Sengupta, a dual PhD, completed his PhD in management from Central University of Nicaragua (UCN) and Azteca University, Mexico. He is certified in 'Improving Business through a Culture of Health' from Harvard Business School, ‘Social Psychology’ from Wesleyan University, US and ‘Leadership Development’ from, and Japan Management Association. His book The Life of Y: Engaging Millennials as Employees and Consumers (SAGE Publications) recently won the first prize at the DMA-NTPC Management Book Awards— a national-level award in India. The book has not only become a bestseller, but it has also been featured in the library collections by Stanford University.

Dr Sengupta is the Asia Editor of a London-based leading global business magazine The Future of Earth: Environment, Economy and Society. He presently teaches human resource and strategy at the Royal University for Women Bahrain.

About the Publisher

Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 1000 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video.


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