ABHIVYAKTA" - 3 worth watching plays from the 1st round of Purushottam Karandak 2022.
We, Dreams 2 Reality along with Wide Wings Media, have organised a show comprising of 3 one act plays from the Purushottam Karandak Ekankika Spardha. The specialty of these one act plays Ekankikas is that they are remarkable in their performances, but due to some reason or the other, couldn't make it to the final round of the competition. These non- finalist Ekankikas are definitely worth a watch and D2R & Wide Wings Media promotes them so as to promote theatre activity beyond competitive success.
This year will be 12th Year of this event and we have received a wonderful response from the audience as well as the participants over the last 11 years.
This year Abhivyakta will be happening on 5th February 2022 at 5:00 pm at Bharat Natya Mandir, Pune.
Below are the ekakankias which will perform this year in Abhivyakta -
1) DES Shri Navalmal Firodiya law college & Lokrang Creations presents,- "Blowing in the wind"
अफ्रिका मधील मळावी ह्या देशात विल्यम कमकवांबा ह्या १४ वर्षा च्या मुलाने एका छोट्या गावात विंडमिल बांधून एका मोठ्या दुष्काळा वर कशी मात केली हे ह्या एकांकिकेत दाखवले आहे.
हे नाटक एका सत्य घटनेवर आधारित आहे.

2) New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar Presents, -"म्हातारा पाऊस"
प्रत्येक गोष्टीची एक ठरलेली वेळ असते; फक्त पहाट व्हायची वाट पाहता आली पाहिजे ! गुंतलेल्या नात्यावर उजेडमय प्रकाश टाकणारी, म्हातारपणातल्या बालपणाची गोष्ट.

3)Samaj Bhushan Baburao Urf Appasaheb Jedhe Arts, Commerce and Science College Presents - "TOP 2 BOTTOM"
मध्यमवर्गीय कुटुंबातील मूल जेंव्हा व्यसनांच्या जाळ्यात अडकते तेंव्हा त्या मुलाला घरातून कसे आणि कोणते उपचार दिले जातात आणि या सगळ्यात पालकांची मानसिकता, घुसखोरी यावर हे नाटक आधारित आहे.

Online Ticket Booking - https://www.ticketkhidakee.com/abhivyakta_5feb
Phone Booking - 9112064646.
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