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The animated 'I LOST MY BODY' stars a severed hand!


A boy growing up with his parents; a slow growing up , a nerdy boy to be ; with dreams of becoming a pianist or an astronaut; or both is happy. This is revealed to us in the opening scenes of the animated film I LOST MY BODY. Until an accident throws him to fend for himself and throws him onto the streets. The existential setting and a longing starts to grow on you as the film I LOST MY BODY starts.

The main protagonist Naoufel asks simple questions; so innocent that the narrative engages you and you don't feel the dialogues and narration as opposing the flow. The animation film I LOST MY BODY has dialogues with a narrative or a voice or as in theatre you would call it a “sutradhar.”

There are two protagonists, one of a severed hand; out of Sartre’s novel NAUSEA maybe; which keeps trudging through the street, the railways; avoiding rats, ants, water puddles, weaving a story of its own. The story of survival, if you are a hand without a body. At, the same time, the Naoufel story goes on.

Beautiful narration with a deep feeling of longing. The animation film I LOST MY BODY leaves you with that longing and compassion for nerdy people; who are creative and eccentric but good people. Let’s not judge every book by the same eyes we use to judge others! Every individual is kind of unique! This film carves it so well; without being preachy.

The animation and colour of the cinematography was riveting and inciting; like needed for a longing-filled story! The story itself is a forest of choices. There is a scene where the boy has taken up a job of delivering pizza; after his parents passed way. He has a bad day where someone runs into his scooter, spills his pizza; and goes out to deliver a battered pizza.

He makes friends with the lady, Gabrielle who does not come out to take the pizza. Yet, befriends him and talks to him with affection! That care he felt in a long time and he is besmirched with her! He starts following her from a distance, to her library and her uncle jiji’s workplace. He accidentally introduces himself as looking for work and after much persuasion starts working at the lady’s uncle’s shop.

The lady is kind to him and his romance starts to brew, slowly, slowly, though with hiccups.

With trusts and failures, and heartbreaks I LOST MY BODY is a wonderful watch.

The music stands on it’s own right. Perhaps about the music in another article. Let’s probably recognize the existential bliss of loneliness; explore loneliness more, probably to understand and recognize such people around us more; to strengthen our community. The animation film is, just IS, perched in this lock down and quarantine!

“French director Jérémy Clapin’s unique feature uses visual storytelling in inventive ways, presenting the world from an unexpected perspective while teaching audiences how to interpret this innovative vocabulary as it unfolds," says jury chair and Variety chief film critic Peter Debruge.

Writers: Jérémy Clapin and Guillaume Laurant


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About The Writer

Deepak Sinha

Editor-in-Chief, RAD TIMES

Loves ideas and organizer at TEDxPune Believes books fuel the universe

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