I took some steps as I was born...
I have brought the world right to my eyes.
I have talked to everyone I can...
To understand the truth and even the lies...
I have walked the deserts and walked the seas...
Down the mountains, through the trees...
I have humbled before every sage I saw,
And every power I have brought to knees...
I have seen men talk in unlit corridors,
About lighting up the lives of unfateful...
I have seen the people in the castles,
Drawing darkness closer and talking hateful...
I have been to the bars for drinks and darts...
I have seen kissing lips and broken hearts...
I have played like a kid and thought like an old man...
I have seen blooming fields and barren lands...
I have dipped myself in potions to heal the pain...
I stood at horizons to feel the strain...
I have seen the stars twinkling bright...
I have seen the dark dominating light...
I have talked to men with wine and suits...
I have talked to men with no clothes and boots...
I have been with women with the fate so hard...
I have been with women of high regards...
But after everything that I have seen...
The things I did, places I have been...
I understood that this all is a game...
Nothing actually changes,
Nothing stays the same!
-Vishwajeet Ranade
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